Saturday, March 12, 2016

MIP & Memory #2

Another day, more fun stuff ...

Memorable Moment: Sam and I were living in Washington DC for about an year when we decide to have out you get siblings visit. They are they same age. They came up during winter and we took them to the Poconos in Pennsylvania for some winter fun. We all lived in Fl our entire lives. We get to the mountains and have tons of fun. We decide to kick it up a notch and go group tubing. This means we take 4 inner tubes, connect them with  ropes and then head down the mountain while sitting or laying in them. Sam and I had our siblings (who were 11 at the time) sit in the tubes and we laid on our stomachs to make sure we were able to see everything that was going on. As soon as we were half way down the mountain the back of my legs and knees slammed into the rock hard ice wall of the mountain as we continued to propel down. Then Sam hit the wall. We eventfully fell off from the amount of times we got battered by the wall and let the siblings continue down. Needless to say they had a good time and Sam and I needed new legs and were black and blue for weeks.

MIP: My older sister who is coming to visit in one week. As most siblings do. We fought like crazy growing up. In fact, I would go as far to say that my sister and I never really got along until I moved from FL to DC. It took me moving for us to work on and grow our relationship.
But, the past 8 years have been the best. She is so supportive of me and my moves and endeavors. She comes to visit and brings the girls (my nieces) because she knows how much it means. She is also a wonderful mother to her girls. She has raised them to be beautiful, amazing little ladies so far and they have so many years to go. (Did I mention she does it on her own). I'm also VERY proud of her latest accomplishment, she has lost just over 50lbs as of this month!! She is getting fit and healthy for herself and her girls and I couldn't be more proud of her!! πŸ˜πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

March is for MIP & Memories #1

I've been out of the game for awhile. So, we are kicking off March a bit late, but with a fun post per day.

March Blog Task (per day)
1 - Memorable Moment
1 - Most important person (MIP)

Let's kick it off today ...

Memorable Moment: Shopping for a bridesmaids dress in DC with a friend. We spot an Outback Steakhouse and decide we must have a steak, salad and glass of wine right away and that will make the wedding shopping we just went through ok. We also made a stop at Total Wine ... I don't remember how many were purchased that day. I also remember my friend tried on a veil ... She wasn't with the guy she is with now, but it makes me smile. She is getting married in October. 😍

MIP: I will start with this last friend I saw, Dan. I met Dan when we both started working for the Boys & Girls Club, many years ago. I instantly had a crush (he already knows ... so does Sam). He has this whole surfer dude thing going on! Dan is everything I am not. Adventurous, spontaneous, daring, sporadic, crazy, loud, bold. I love him for all of that. Dan is a delicated friend to his core. He will always have your back. He is something special 😌 

Monday, December 28, 2015

This is 30

I am officially into 30 and you know what? It feels pretty good. However, Sam would say I am going through a 30's crisis as I temporary ombre'd my hair rose gold.

So, aside from all the talk of "do you feel old or changed?" The answer is no, but I have made some changes and am looking to set a list for the big 30. So, here is 30 ...
  1. Be more relaxed. Really hoping California life does this for me. I don't want to be so straight and narrow or defined. I want that laid back style. I miss that part of me.
  2. Gym + personal training. I have been such an on/off gym goer. Today in fact, I start my commitment to my body. This is a big one since I am going all out and getting a personal trainer two days a week. Big investment, lots of money but in the end truly worth it.
  3. Being a little more exploratory with my appearance. Another area I have been pretty narrow with. This weekend, though, I died my hair (although temp) rose gold. I also got my eyelashes tinted. Little things, but it is fun!
  4. Travel. My 3 week Eurotrip this year was the best thing I have ever done. I am totally ready for part II. Looking to make a spring/summer trip - maybe South America this year or back to Europe for Spain/Greece
  5. Eat better, but don't limit yourself. If there is anything I have learned from living in California thus far, it is that the people here are so damn healthy. I already have my avocado toasts down. Time to jump in!
  6. Stay in touch. Man has this been hard since moving to west coast and different time zones from all friends and family. My goal this year is to make the calls, emails and random mail to those I care about.
  7. Celebrate. Always remember to raise a glass and be thankful. Celebrate those little moments and remember to tell others the same.
  8. Volunteer. I kicked of my volunteer activities with something truly amazing. An old co-worker introduced me to this group of people that meet monthly. We all got together on a Saturday, sat around drinking mimosas, eating cookies and making hundreds of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to hand out to the homeless in SF. We also gave out oranges, socks, granola bars. If there is one thing about me you should know, it is that living in NYC and now SF have really opened my eyes. Growing up in Florida, I seemed to never be surrounded by homelessness like I am here and was in NYC. This PBJ Project gives back and in a great way. At first I was a little nervous to start handing out items. But then, I saw how grateful and happy everyone was ... for a sandwich. I won't lie to you, I got a little emotional. What a truly wonderful thing, Sara has created in SF and brought with her to Austin. I admire that.
  9. Discover Cali. This is an easy one. I think Sam and I have done an amazing job of really, really exploring every place we have been in; DC, NYC and now we have so many new places to experience on the west coast.
  10. Work hard, work harder. I am so excited for the chance to work hard in my new job, put myself out there and prove myself. So I'll say - BRING IT ON.

That's my top 10 for now. I think it is a pretty good start.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Surprises in SF

Have I mentioned that I have the best boyfriend? Also that I am turning 30. Yep, leaving the last of my 20's behind. So that is where this story begins ...

Let's just start with last Thursday night around 11:50pm when I thought he jumped in bed to sleep. Well, that was my best man, Dan. Thankfully I woke up enough to realize this was Dan. :) That could have been weird. So, Dan came up for the weekend. At that time, I thought (or he told me) it was a last minute surprise trip as he found some cheap flights.

Fast forward to Friday afternoon. I get out a bit early to go hang with Dan and Sam. I walk into my apartment and Sam wants to show me something Walter (our cat) is doing. Totally normal. Dan is in the kitchen making a sandwich. All is well. I get to the bedroom and up from the side of the bed pops, Meghan Robinson, my BFF from St. Louis. She starts singing (or talking) the "Hello" Adele song. Next, the closet door in our bedroom opens and there stands Lily Moss, from DC. What?! Both singing Adele now and added by Landis (also from DC, but NYC too) who was hiding in the hall closet. I am not sure if I just sort of blacked out from the surprise or was in shock but WOW. What a surprise. Later that night, two more friends, Christian and Shannon, surprised me from LA and a few friends from SF. We had an apartment full of friends, drinks and food.

This was just the beginning. How did I get so lucky? A boyfriend to coordinate all of this and then 6 amazing friends that spend the time and money to come visit. Major friend love this weekend.

Saturday we "were going to breakfast" and that ended up being a rented party bus that took us to breakfast at the Golden Gate bridge, 4 wineries in Napa and Sonoma and lunch at a vineyard. The day was filled with lots of champagne (and getting in trouble by the bus driver), way too much wine (but can you have too much?) and lots of dancing and singing. To say we were the best group is an understatement. Dan even did a little strip dance. Did I say that out loud?! No clothes (kind of) were removed in the process.

We got back to the city and took a little break and the night continued. Sam rented a private Karaoke room for all of us. This took such a hilarious turn. Turns out we are all pretty bad singers but we make excellent entertainers when it comes to singing and dancing. Sam won best of show for the night with his rendition of Gangnam Style. The girls got pretty fierce too. It was just ... amazing.

Sunday was a rainy (SHOCK) day in SF. Some friends left early in the AM, we had a nice girls breakfast and walked around North Beach and the Embarcadero. It was nice to show everyone our hood and SF.

Later that night we had a nice relaxing and YUMMY Dim Sum dinner, just Landis, Meghan, Sam and I.

Monday I got to spend the whole day with Meghan. Her flight back to STL was delayed a good 3 hours. We weren't complaining. I was wearing my "Rose all Day" shirt so we decided to put it in action. Day drinking with my best? Does not get better than that.

So, yeah, best weekend ever. Ever.

I have been missing my friends something fierce lately and that was exactly what I needed. I felt so much love and happiness this weekend I can't even begin to tell you. I am so truly lucky to have the friends and family (and Sammy) that I do. I love them all.

Now, 8 more days to the real #stacy3point0. Let the separation anxiety from 29 to 30 begin. What is 30 anyway?? I don't feel a day over 25 :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Is tomorrow December already?

How has it been a month that we have been in California? Time really does fly! 

Thanksgiving week/end came and went. I was a little under the weather so we stayed in. It was actually just needed. We have been go go go. It was nice to relax, catch up on sleep and just be. 

Sam flew to LA and bought a car. He is super picky (his words, now mine) so he found one he liked. Lucky him (jealous me) got to spend time with our NYC friends that live there now. Meanwhile, back on SF I visited the Etsy craft fair - it was insane and way too much, checked out the marina area, took a yoga class and did some apartment business

Apartment business (ha)! How many times do I feel like I say; "the apartment is coming together?" IF my freaking cafe dining chairs from West Elm would arrive and I could find a coffee table all would be well in the world (or my apartment). I have really enjoyed decorating this apartment. Sam has hated it. We get a million boxes everyday with new dΓ©cor. Ooops! But, it is like a fresh start. Feels good!

So, December ... The holidays, my birthday (a big one) and a slower time all around. Makes me reflect on life and be more thankful and appreciative for everything and everyone in my life. I also want to DO something; start volunteering, become a big brother/big sister, just something. I am sure, in time, I will figure that out.

I would say it is getting cold, but it isn't (haha). Same old beautiful, amazing California weather. And I love it! I think I will go get a Christmas tree this weekend. I listened to Christmas music for the first time today and that really put me in the mood. Speaking of December, how is it the holidays already? I have to get on the Christmas shopping!!!

Super win for me, but I put together and pulled off my first campaign at work for our entire portfolio - 3 brands. With some great help of my co-workers. Putting the numbers together now, but it was a great success and I couldn't be more pumped - all within my first 30 days. (Ok, just patted my back and don't even care)!

Happy Wednesday everyone!!

Welcome to the (13 year) Gap

I will be 30 this month. I am 6 years younger than my older brother, David. I am 4.5 years younger than my sister, Heather. 4.5 years older than my younger brother and 13 years older than my youngest sister.

I will preface this blog post with fact that I could have a very angry teenage sister on my hands. But, this is my blog and I don't believe anything I am saying is nasty or rude - I am just speaking from feelings.

There was a time, when I lived in Florida, where I got along with my youngest sister so well. Perhaps it was before she was corrupted by the world or had grown into her own. The point I am getting to is that we are in the same generation: millennial and I can't relate. I think and talk about this a lot and not just to her, but in general. This generational gap or difference must take effect, just a few years younger than me.

I shouldn't judge, but it is so hard. I don't understand the mentality of laziness. I had a job at 14, after school, binding notebooks and then another answering phones at a car place and filing papers. I wasn't allowed to get a cell phone until I could pay for it on my own - 16. I think my sister had her first cell phone and computer years before that. I am not jealous. I am where I am because of how I was brought up and I am totally OK with that.

I will tell you what makes me sad and drives me crazy all the same and maybe this gets better with age - how we used to be so close and now we just ... aren't. I will tell you I stopped being "friends" with her for a while as I couldn't stand the obnoxious shares and posts and the immaturity level that came with it. It blows my mind that someone could post pictures of a confederate flag and quotes saying "country girl" when there were very related happenings going on in the world. I am confident she doesn't know the true meaning of a confederate flag and that blew it up for me. I can't stand that kind of ignorance sometimes and from my sister, nope. She said she "hated everyone" on Thanksgiving. I was so sad. Why such a broad, mean statement on a day meant to give thanks? I made a comment (not a mean one at all) and she took immediate offense, then deleted everything. And again, I ask myself. Did I act that way at her age? Since when did this generation start acting like this?

I should be a little more sensitive, I know. I am open to realizing that. But, everyone is entitled to their opinion and this is my blog, so I will choose to talk about it. I have attempted to relate or talk and it just doesn't work, for now. Maybe in a few years we will get along again. Until then ...

Monday, November 23, 2015

Views For Days

Another amazing weekend in SF down in the books.

My friend and old co-worker was here last week and I was lucky enough to get to spend the weekend with her. She was the first to see my apartment, although not finished, I agreed. We explored some my neighborhood for dinner and drinks and had some real wins. I am pumped for the places we tried.

Saturday Sam and I met her on Filmore and showed her what the SF toast scene was all about. I think it is safe to say she fell in love too. Can anyone resist avocado toast or peanut butter, bacon and banana toast? Who thought of these things?! From there we headed on a little walk to Alamo Square, home of the Painted Ladies (Full House anyone?). The weather was absolutely perfect, as always. After catching some annoying perfect blue skies in the lawn of Alamo Square we made our way to the SF Beer Fest in the Mission. Now that was a good time filled with beer, cider, more beer - oh and beef jerky!!! I guess I can't forget about the music, they were dressed up very Christmas-y.

We weren't feeling like ending our day just yet. I know,, we started at 11am, it was 5:30pm and our next stop was Twin Peaks. Who cared if Megan and I both had stylish booties on? We were going to do a little hike to see amazing sunset views of this damn city ... and so we did. Twin Peaks was just simply breath taking. I will be back - again and again.

We finally wrapped up our night (I don't know how we didn't fall asleep) at Waruku. The best ramen of my life. Then Megan and I went to bed and Sam played Playstation. I had to add that it there. So true.

Sunday brought us back to the only Minnesota Vikings bar in SF. Yep, the one 3 blocks from our apartment. Sam makes friends there like it is nobody's business. Must be a Minnesota thing. :) I did lots of shopping for our apartment, pretty much knocking everything off our list - new kitchen table/chairs, desk, closet organization, bathroom stuff, frames. So excited it is coming together.

It's kind of crazy this week is Thanksgiving. We have been so busy that we haven't really been able to think about it. Another fun week though. My good friend from NYC (Amanda) is in town for two weeks so I am so truly pumped to get to spend lots of time with her. She just became an aunt. Time to celebrate, for lots of occasions. I also get to spend Thanksgiving with an old co-worker and friend who was so sweet to invite Sam and I to do so. Excited as I know we will be spoiled. :)

Speaking of holidays ... Christmas is right around the corner. I haven't even had time to shop/think about it. I was trying to get creative with gifts this year. Any thoughts? Things live giving keys, etc.

Next topic on the mind: The gap. I can't relate to my sister and we are in the same generation. When did this change.